Source code for devlib.platform.gem5

#    Copyright 2016-2018 ARM Limited
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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import os
import re
import subprocess
import shutil
import time
import types
import shlex
from pipes import quote

from devlib.exception import TargetStableError
from devlib.platform import Platform
from devlib.utils.ssh import AndroidGem5Connection, LinuxGem5Connection

[docs]class Gem5SimulationPlatform(Platform): def __init__(self, name, host_output_dir, gem5_bin, gem5_args, gem5_virtio, core_names=None, core_clusters=None, big_core=None, model=None, modules=None, gem5_telnet_port=None): # First call the parent class super(Gem5SimulationPlatform, self).__init__(name, core_names, core_clusters, big_core, model, modules) # Start setting up the gem5 parameters/directories # The gem5 subprocess self.gem5 = None self.gem5_port = gem5_telnet_port or None self.stats_directory = host_output_dir self.gem5_out_dir = os.path.join(self.stats_directory, "gem5") self.gem5_interact_dir = '/tmp' # Host directory self.executable_dir = None # Device directory self.working_dir = None # Device directory self.stdout_file = None self.stderr_file = None self.stderr_filename = None if self.gem5_port is None: # pylint: disable=simplifiable-if-statement # Allows devlib to pick up already running simulations self.start_gem5_simulation = True else: self.start_gem5_simulation = False # Find the first one that does not exist. Ensures that we do not re-use # the directory used by someone else. i = 0 directory = os.path.join(self.gem5_interact_dir, "wa_{}".format(i)) while os.path.exists(directory): i += 1 directory = os.path.join(self.gem5_interact_dir, "wa_{}".format(i)) self.gem5_interact_dir = directory self.logger.debug("Using {} as the temporary directory." .format(self.gem5_interact_dir)) # Parameters passed onto gem5 self.gem5args_binary = gem5_bin self.gem5args_args = gem5_args self.gem5args_virtio = gem5_virtio self._check_gem5_command() # Start the interaction with gem5 self._start_interaction_gem5() def _check_gem5_command(self): """ Check if the command to start gem5 makes sense """ if self.gem5args_binary is None: raise TargetStableError('Please specify a gem5 binary.') if self.gem5args_args is None: raise TargetStableError('Please specify the arguments passed on to gem5.') self.gem5args_virtio = str(self.gem5args_virtio).format(self.gem5_interact_dir) if self.gem5args_virtio is None: raise TargetStableError('Please specify arguments needed for virtIO.') def _start_interaction_gem5(self): """ Starts the interaction of devlib with gem5. """ # First create the input and output directories for gem5 if self.start_gem5_simulation: # Create the directory to send data to/from gem5 system"Creating temporary directory for interaction " " with gem5 via virtIO: {}" .format(self.gem5_interact_dir)) os.mkdir(self.gem5_interact_dir) # Create the directory for gem5 output (stats files etc) if not os.path.exists(self.stats_directory): os.mkdir(self.stats_directory) if os.path.exists(self.gem5_out_dir): raise TargetStableError("The gem5 stats directory {} already " "exists.".format(self.gem5_out_dir)) else: os.mkdir(self.gem5_out_dir) # We need to redirect the standard output and standard error for the # gem5 process to a file so that we can debug when things go wrong. f = os.path.join(self.gem5_out_dir, 'stdout') self.stdout_file = open(f, 'w') f = os.path.join(self.gem5_out_dir, 'stderr') self.stderr_file = open(f, 'w') # We need to keep this so we can check which port to use for the # telnet connection. self.stderr_filename = f # Start gem5 simulation"Starting the gem5 simulator") command_line = "{} --outdir={} {} {}".format(self.gem5args_binary, quote(self.gem5_out_dir), self.gem5args_args, self.gem5args_virtio) self.logger.debug("gem5 command line: {}".format(command_line)) self.gem5 = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command_line), stdout=self.stdout_file, stderr=self.stderr_file) else: # The simulation should already be running # Need to dig up the (1) gem5 simulation in question (2) its input # and output directories (3) virtio setting self._intercept_existing_gem5() # As the gem5 simulation is running now or was already running # we now need to find out which telnet port it uses self._intercept_telnet_port() def _intercept_existing_gem5(self): """ Intercept the information about a running gem5 simulation e.g. pid, input directory etc """ self.logger("This functionality is not yet implemented") raise TargetStableError() def _intercept_telnet_port(self): """ Intercept the telnet port of a running gem5 simulation """ if self.gem5 is None: raise TargetStableError('The platform has no gem5 simulation! ' 'Something went wrong') while self.gem5_port is None: # Check that gem5 is running! if self.gem5.poll(): message = "The gem5 process has crashed with error code {}!\n\tPlease see {} for details." raise TargetStableError(message.format(self.gem5.poll(), # Open the stderr file with open(self.stderr_filename, 'r') as f: for line in f: # Look for two different strings, exact wording depends on # version of gem5 m ="Listening for system connection on port (?P<port>\d+)", line) if not m: m ="Listening for connections on port (?P<port>\d+)", line) if m: port = int('port')) if port >= 3456 and port < 5900: self.gem5_port = port break # Check if the sockets are not disabled m ="Sockets disabled, not accepting terminal connections", line) if m: raise TargetStableError("The sockets have been disabled!" "Pass --listener-mode=on to gem5") else: time.sleep(1)
[docs] def init_target_connection(self, target): """ Update the type of connection in the target from here """ if target.os == 'linux': target.conn_cls = LinuxGem5Connection else: target.conn_cls = AndroidGem5Connection
[docs] def setup(self, target): """ Deploy m5 if not yet installed """ m5_path = self._deploy_m5(target) target.conn.m5_path = m5_path # Set the terminal settings for the connection to gem5 self._resize_shell(target)
[docs] def update_from_target(self, target): """ Set the m5 path and if not yet installed, deploy m5 Overwrite certain methods in the target that either can be done more efficiently by gem5 or don't exist in gem5 """ m5_path = target.get_installed('m5') if m5_path is None: m5_path = self._deploy_m5(target) target.conn.m5_path = m5_path # Overwrite the following methods (monkey-patching) self.logger.debug("Overwriting the 'capture_screen' method in target") # Housekeeping to prevent recursion setattr(target, 'target_impl_capture_screen', target.capture_screen) target.capture_screen = types.MethodType(_overwritten_capture_screen, target) self.logger.debug("Overwriting the 'reset' method in target") target.reset = types.MethodType(_overwritten_reset, target) self.logger.debug("Overwriting the 'reboot' method in target") target.reboot = types.MethodType(_overwritten_reboot, target) # Call the general update_from_target implementation super(Gem5SimulationPlatform, self).update_from_target(target)
def gem5_capture_screen(self, filepath): file_list = os.listdir(self.gem5_out_dir) screen_caps = [] for f in file_list: if '.bmp' in f: screen_caps.append(f) if '{ts}' in filepath: cmd = '{} date -u -Iseconds' # pylint: disable=no-member ts = filepath = filepath.format(ts=ts) successful_capture = False if len(screen_caps) == 1: # Bail out if we do not have image, and resort to the slower, built # in method. try: import Image gem5_image = os.path.join(self.gem5_out_dir, screen_caps[0]) temp_image = os.path.join(self.gem5_out_dir, "file.png") im =, "PNG") shutil.copy(temp_image, filepath) os.remove(temp_image) # pylint: disable=undefined-variable"capture_screen: using gem5 screencap") successful_capture = True except (shutil.Error, ImportError, IOError): pass return successful_capture # pylint: disable=no-self-use def _deploy_m5(self, target): # m5 is not yet installed so install it host_executable = os.path.join(PACKAGE_BIN_DIRECTORY, target.abi, 'm5') return target.install(host_executable) # pylint: disable=no-self-use def _resize_shell(self, target): """ Resize the shell to avoid line wrapping issues. """ # Try and avoid line wrapping as much as possible. target.execute('{} stty columns 1024'.format(target.busybox)) target.execute('reset', check_exit_code=False)
# Methods that will be monkey-patched onto the target def _overwritten_reset(self): # pylint: disable=unused-argument raise TargetStableError('Resetting is not allowed on gem5 platforms!') def _overwritten_reboot(self): # pylint: disable=unused-argument raise TargetStableError('Rebooting is not allowed on gem5 platforms!') def _overwritten_capture_screen(self, filepath): connection_screencapped = self.platform.gem5_capture_screen(filepath) if not connection_screencapped: # The connection was not able to capture the screen so use the target # implementation self.logger.debug('{} was not able to screen cap, using the original target implementation'.format(self.platform.__class__.__name__)) self.target_impl_capture_screen(filepath)