Source code for devlib.utils.ssh

#    Copyright 2014-2018 ARM Limited
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import os
import stat
import logging
import subprocess
import re
import threading
import tempfile
import shutil
import socket
import sys
import time
import atexit
from pipes import quote
from future.utils import raise_from

# pylint: disable=import-error,wrong-import-position,ungrouped-imports,wrong-import-order
import pexpect
from distutils.version import StrictVersion as V
if V(pexpect.__version__) < V('4.0.0'):
    import pxssh
    from pexpect import pxssh
from pexpect import EOF, TIMEOUT, spawn

# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,wrong-import-position
from devlib.exception import (HostError, TargetStableError, TargetNotRespondingError,
                              TimeoutError, TargetTransientError)
from devlib.utils.misc import (which, strip_bash_colors, check_output,
                               sanitize_cmd_template, memoized)
from devlib.utils.types import boolean

ssh = None
scp = None
sshpass = None

logger = logging.getLogger('ssh')
gem5_logger = logging.getLogger('gem5-connection')

def ssh_get_shell(host,
    start_time = time.time()
    while True:
        if telnet:
            if keyfile:
                raise ValueError('keyfile may not be used with a telnet connection.')
            conn = TelnetPxssh(original_prompt=original_prompt)
        else:  # ssh
            conn = pxssh.pxssh(options=options,

            if keyfile:
                conn.login(host, username, ssh_key=keyfile, port=port, login_timeout=timeout)
                conn.login(host, username, password, port=port, login_timeout=timeout)
        except EOF:
            timeout -= time.time() - start_time
            if timeout <= 0:
                message = 'Could not connect to {}; is the host name correct?'
                raise TargetTransientError(message.format(host))

    conn.setwinsize(500, 200)
    return conn

class TelnetPxssh(pxssh.pxssh):
    # pylint: disable=arguments-differ

    def __init__(self, original_prompt):
        super(TelnetPxssh, self).__init__()
        self.original_prompt = original_prompt or r'[#$]'

    def login(self, server, username, password='', login_timeout=10,
              auto_prompt_reset=True, sync_multiplier=1, port=23):
        args = ['telnet']
        if username is not None:
            args += ['-l', username]
        args += [server, str(port)]
        cmd = ' '.join(args)

        spawn._spawn(self, cmd)  # pylint: disable=protected-access

            i = self.expect('(?i)(?:password)', timeout=login_timeout)
            if i == 0:
                i = self.expect([self.original_prompt, 'Login incorrect'], timeout=login_timeout)
            if i:
                raise pxssh.ExceptionPxssh('could not log in: password was incorrect')
        except TIMEOUT:
            if not password:
                # No password promt before TIMEOUT & no password provided
                # so assume everything is okay
                raise pxssh.ExceptionPxssh('could not log in: did not see a password prompt')

        if not self.sync_original_prompt(sync_multiplier):
            raise pxssh.ExceptionPxssh('could not synchronize with original prompt')

        if auto_prompt_reset:
            if not self.set_unique_prompt():
                message = 'could not set shell prompt (recieved: {}, expected: {}).'
                raise pxssh.ExceptionPxssh(message.format(self.before, self.PROMPT))
        return True

def check_keyfile(keyfile):
    keyfile must have the right access premissions in order to be useable. If the specified
    file doesn't, create a temporary copy and set the right permissions for that.

    Returns either the ``keyfile`` (if the permissions on it are correct) or the path to a
    temporary copy with the right permissions.
    desired_mask = stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRUSR
    actual_mask = os.stat(keyfile).st_mode & 0xFF
    if actual_mask != desired_mask:
        tmp_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), os.path.basename(keyfile))
        shutil.copy(keyfile, tmp_file)
        os.chmod(tmp_file, desired_mask)
        return tmp_file
    else:  # permissions on keyfile are OK
        return keyfile

[docs]class SshConnection(object): default_password_prompt = '[sudo] password' max_cancel_attempts = 5 default_timeout = 10 @property def name(self): return @property def connected_as_root(self): if self._connected_as_root is None: # Execute directly to prevent deadlocking of connection result = self._execute_and_wait_for_prompt('id', as_root=False) self._connected_as_root = 'uid=0(' in result return self._connected_as_root @connected_as_root.setter def connected_as_root(self, state): self._connected_as_root = state # pylint: disable=unused-argument,super-init-not-called def __init__(self, host, username, password=None, keyfile=None, port=None, timeout=None, telnet=False, password_prompt=None, original_prompt=None, platform=None, sudo_cmd="sudo -- sh -c {}", options=None ): self._connected_as_root = None = host self.username = username self.password = password self.keyfile = check_keyfile(keyfile) if keyfile else keyfile self.port = port self.lock = threading.Lock() self.password_prompt = password_prompt if password_prompt is not None else self.default_password_prompt self.sudo_cmd = sanitize_cmd_template(sudo_cmd) logger.debug('Logging in {}@{}'.format(username, host)) timeout = timeout if timeout is not None else self.default_timeout self.options = options if options is not None else {} self.conn = ssh_get_shell(host, username, password, self.keyfile, port, timeout, False, None, self.options) atexit.register(self.close) def push(self, source, dest, timeout=30): dest = '{}@{}:{}'.format(self.username,, dest) return self._scp(source, dest, timeout) def pull(self, source, dest, timeout=30): source = '{}@{}:{}'.format(self.username,, source) return self._scp(source, dest, timeout) def execute(self, command, timeout=None, check_exit_code=True, as_root=False, strip_colors=True, will_succeed=False): #pylint: disable=unused-argument if command == '': # Empty command is valid but the __devlib_ec stuff below will # produce a syntax error with bash. Treat as a special case. return '' try: with self.lock: _command = '({}); __devlib_ec=$?; echo; echo $__devlib_ec'.format(command) full_output = self._execute_and_wait_for_prompt(_command, timeout, as_root, strip_colors) split_output = full_output.rsplit('\r\n', 2) try: output, exit_code_text, _ = split_output except ValueError as e: raise TargetStableError( "cannot split reply (target misconfiguration?):\n'{}'".format(full_output)) if check_exit_code: try: exit_code = int(exit_code_text) if exit_code: message = 'Got exit code {}\nfrom: {}\nOUTPUT: {}' raise TargetStableError(message.format(exit_code, command, output)) except (ValueError, IndexError): logger.warning( 'Could not get exit code for "{}",\ngot: "{}"'\ .format(command, exit_code_text)) return output except EOF: raise TargetNotRespondingError('Connection lost.') except TargetStableError as e: if will_succeed: raise TargetTransientError(e) else: raise def background(self, command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, as_root=False): try: port_string = '-p {}'.format(self.port) if self.port else '' keyfile_string = '-i {}'.format(self.keyfile) if self.keyfile else '' if as_root and not self.connected_as_root: command = self.sudo_cmd.format(command) options = " ".join([ "-o {}={}".format(key,val) for key,val in self.options.items()]) command = '{} {} {} {} {}@{} {}'.format(ssh, options, keyfile_string, port_string, self.username,, command) logger.debug(command) if self.password: command, _ = _give_password(self.password, command) return subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, shell=True) except EOF: raise TargetNotRespondingError('Connection lost.') def close(self): logger.debug('Logging out {}@{}'.format(self.username, try: self.conn.logout() except: logger.debug('Connection lost.') self.conn.close(force=True) def cancel_running_command(self): # simulate impatiently hitting ^C until command prompt appears logger.debug('Sending ^C') for _ in range(self.max_cancel_attempts): self._sendline(chr(3)) if self.conn.prompt(0.1): return True return False def wait_for_device(self, timeout=30): return def reboot_bootloader(self, timeout=30): raise NotImplementedError() def _execute_and_wait_for_prompt(self, command, timeout=None, as_root=False, strip_colors=True, log=True): self.conn.prompt(0.1) # clear an existing prompt if there is one. if as_root and self.connected_as_root: # As we're already root, there is no need to use sudo. as_root = False if as_root: command = self.sudo_cmd.format(quote(command)) if log: logger.debug(command) self._sendline(command) if self.password: index = self.conn.expect_exact([self.password_prompt, TIMEOUT], timeout=0.5) if index == 0: self._sendline(self.password) else: # not as_root if log: logger.debug(command) self._sendline(command) timed_out = self._wait_for_prompt(timeout) if sys.version_info[0] == 3: output = process_backspaces(self.conn.before.decode(sys.stdout.encoding or 'utf-8', 'replace')) else: output = process_backspaces(self.conn.before) if timed_out: self.cancel_running_command() raise TimeoutError(command, output) if strip_colors: output = strip_bash_colors(output) return output def _wait_for_prompt(self, timeout=None): if timeout: return not self.conn.prompt(timeout) else: # cannot timeout; wait forever while not self.conn.prompt(1): pass return False def _scp(self, source, dest, timeout=30): # NOTE: the version of scp in Ubuntu 12.04 occasionally (and bizarrely) # fails to connect to a device if port is explicitly specified using -P # option, even if it is the default port, 22. To minimize this problem, # only specify -P for scp if the port is *not* the default. port_string = '-P {}'.format(quote(str(self.port))) if (self.port and self.port != 22) else '' keyfile_string = '-i {}'.format(quote(self.keyfile)) if self.keyfile else '' options = " ".join(["-o {}={}".format(key,val) for key,val in self.options.items()]) command = '{} {} -r {} {} {} {}'.format(scp, options, keyfile_string, port_string, quote(source), quote(dest)) command_redacted = command logger.debug(command) if self.password: command, command_redacted = _give_password(self.password, command) try: check_output(command, timeout=timeout, shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise_from(HostError("Failed to copy file with '{}'. Output:\n{}".format( command_redacted, e.output)), None) except TimeoutError as e: raise TimeoutError(command_redacted, e.output) def _sendline(self, command): # Workaround for if len(command) == self._get_window_size()[1] - self._get_prompt_length(): command += ' ' self.conn.sendline(command) @memoized def _get_prompt_length(self): self.conn.sendline() self.conn.prompt() return len(self.conn.after) @memoized def _get_window_size(self): return self.conn.getwinsize()
[docs]class TelnetConnection(SshConnection): # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called def __init__(self, host, username, password=None, port=None, timeout=None, password_prompt=None, original_prompt=None, platform=None): = host self.username = username self.password = password self.port = port self.keyfile = None self.lock = threading.Lock() self.password_prompt = password_prompt if password_prompt is not None else self.default_password_prompt logger.debug('Logging in {}@{}'.format(username, host)) timeout = timeout if timeout is not None else self.default_timeout self.conn = ssh_get_shell(host, username, password, None, port, timeout, True, original_prompt)
[docs]class Gem5Connection(TelnetConnection): # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called def __init__(self, platform, host=None, username=None, password=None, port=None, timeout=None, password_prompt=None, original_prompt=None, strip_echoed_commands=False, ): if host is not None: host_system = socket.gethostname() if host_system != host: raise TargetStableError("Gem5Connection can only connect to gem5 " "simulations on your current host {}, which " "differs from the one given {}!" .format(host_system, host)) if username is not None and username != 'root': raise ValueError('User should be root in gem5!') if password is not None and password != '': raise ValueError('No password needed in gem5!') self.username = 'root' self.is_rooted = True self.password = None self.port = None # Flag to indicate whether commands are echoed by the simulated system self.strip_echoed_commands = strip_echoed_commands # Long timeouts to account for gem5 being slow # Can be overriden if the given timeout is longer self.default_timeout = 3600 if timeout is not None: if timeout > self.default_timeout:'Overwriting the default timeout of gem5 ({})' ' to {}'.format(self.default_timeout, timeout)) self.default_timeout = timeout else:'Ignoring the given timeout --> gem5 needs longer timeouts') self.ready_timeout = self.default_timeout * 3 # Counterpart in gem5_interact_dir self.gem5_input_dir = '/mnt/host/' # Location of m5 binary in the gem5 simulated system self.m5_path = None # Actual telnet connection to gem5 simulation self.conn = None # Flag to indicate the gem5 device is ready to interact with the # outer world self.ready = False # Lock file to prevent multiple connections to same gem5 simulation # (gem5 does not allow this) self.lock_directory = '/tmp/' self.lock_file_name = None # Will be set once connected to gem5 # These parameters will be set by either the method to connect to the # gem5 platform or directly to the gem5 simulation # Intermediate directory to push things to gem5 using VirtIO self.gem5_interact_dir = None # Directory to store output from gem5 on the host self.gem5_out_dir = None # Actual gem5 simulation self.gem5simulation = None # Connect to gem5 if platform: self._connect_gem5_platform(platform) # Wait for boot self._wait_for_boot() # Mount the virtIO to transfer files in/out gem5 system self._mount_virtio() def set_hostinteractdir(self, indir):'Setting hostinteractdir from {} to {}' .format(self.gem5_input_dir, indir)) self.gem5_input_dir = indir def push(self, source, dest, timeout=None): """ Push a file to the gem5 device using VirtIO The file to push to the device is copied to the temporary directory on the host, before being copied within the simulation to the destination. Checks, in the form of 'ls' with error code checking, are performed to ensure that the file is copied to the destination. """ # First check if the connection is set up to interact with gem5 self._check_ready() filename = os.path.basename(source) logger.debug("Pushing {} to device.".format(source)) logger.debug("gem5interactdir: {}".format(self.gem5_interact_dir)) logger.debug("dest: {}".format(dest)) logger.debug("filename: {}".format(filename)) # We need to copy the file to copy to the temporary directory self._move_to_temp_dir(source) # Dest in gem5 world is a file rather than directory if os.path.basename(dest) != filename: dest = os.path.join(dest, filename) # Back to the gem5 world filename = quote(self.gem5_input_dir + filename) self._gem5_shell("ls -al {}".format(filename)) self._gem5_shell("cat {} > {}".format(filename, quote(dest))) self._gem5_shell("sync") self._gem5_shell("ls -al {}".format(quote(dest))) self._gem5_shell("ls -al {}".format(quote(self.gem5_input_dir))) logger.debug("Push complete.") def pull(self, source, dest, timeout=0): #pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Pull a file from the gem5 device using m5 writefile The file is copied to the local directory within the guest as the m5 writefile command assumes that the file is local. The file is then written out to the host system using writefile, prior to being moved to the destination on the host. """ # First check if the connection is set up to interact with gem5 self._check_ready() result = self._gem5_shell("ls {}".format(source)) files = strip_bash_colors(result).split() for filename in files: dest_file = os.path.basename(filename) logger.debug("pull_file {} {}".format(filename, dest_file)) # writefile needs the file to be copied to be in the current # working directory so if needed, copy to the working directory # We don't check the exit code here because it is non-zero if the # source and destination are the same. The ls below will cause an # error if the file was not where we expected it to be. if os.path.isabs(source): if os.path.dirname(source) != self.execute('pwd', check_exit_code=False): self._gem5_shell("cat {} > {}".format(quote(filename), quote(dest_file))) self._gem5_shell("sync") self._gem5_shell("ls -la {}".format(dest_file)) logger.debug('Finished the copy in the simulator') self._gem5_util("writefile {}".format(dest_file)) if 'cpu' not in filename: while not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.gem5_out_dir, dest_file)): time.sleep(1) # Perform the local move if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dest, dest_file)): logger.warning( 'Destination file {} already exists!'\ .format(dest_file)) else: shutil.move(os.path.join(self.gem5_out_dir, dest_file), dest) logger.debug("Pull complete.") def execute(self, command, timeout=1000, check_exit_code=True, as_root=False, strip_colors=True, will_succeed=False): """ Execute a command on the gem5 platform """ # First check if the connection is set up to interact with gem5 self._check_ready() try: output = self._gem5_shell(command, check_exit_code=check_exit_code, as_root=as_root) except TargetStableError as e: if will_succeed: raise TargetTransientError(e) else: raise if strip_colors: output = strip_bash_colors(output) return output def background(self, command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, as_root=False): # First check if the connection is set up to interact with gem5 self._check_ready() # Create the logfile for stderr/stdout redirection command_name = command.split(' ')[0].split('/')[-1] redirection_file = 'BACKGROUND_{}.log'.format(command_name) trial = 0 while os.path.isfile(redirection_file): # Log file already exists so add to name redirection_file = 'BACKGROUND_{}{}.log'.format(command_name, trial) trial += 1 # Create the command to pass on to gem5 shell complete_command = '{} >> {} 2>&1 &'.format(command, redirection_file) output = self._gem5_shell(complete_command, as_root=as_root) output = strip_bash_colors(output)'STDERR/STDOUT of background command will be ' 'redirected to {}. Use target.pull() to ' 'get this file'.format(redirection_file)) return output def close(self): """ Close and disconnect from the gem5 simulation. Additionally, we remove the temporary directory used to pass files into the simulation. """"Gracefully terminating the gem5 simulation.") try: # Unmount the virtio device BEFORE we kill the # simulation. This is done to simplify checkpointing at # the end of a simulation! self._unmount_virtio() self._gem5_util("exit") self.gem5simulation.wait() except EOF: pass"Removing the temporary directory") try: shutil.rmtree(self.gem5_interact_dir) except OSError: gem5_logger.warning("Failed to remove the temporary directory!") # Delete the lock file os.remove(self.lock_file_name) def wait_for_device(self, timeout=30): """ Wait for Gem5 to be ready for interation with a timeout. """ for _ in attempts(timeout): if self.ready: return time.sleep(1) raise TimeoutError('Gem5 is not ready for interaction') def reboot_bootloader(self, timeout=30): raise NotImplementedError() # Functions only to be called by the Gem5 connection itself def _connect_gem5_platform(self, platform): port = platform.gem5_port gem5_simulation = platform.gem5 gem5_interact_dir = platform.gem5_interact_dir gem5_out_dir = platform.gem5_out_dir self.connect_gem5(port, gem5_simulation, gem5_interact_dir, gem5_out_dir) # Handle the EOF exception raised by pexpect # pylint: disable=no-self-use def _gem5_EOF_handler(self, gem5_simulation, gem5_out_dir, err): # If we have reached the "EOF", it typically means # that gem5 crashed and closed the connection. Let's # check and actually tell the user what happened here, # rather than spewing out pexpect errors. if gem5_simulation.poll(): message = "The gem5 process has crashed with error code {}!\n\tPlease see {} for details." raise TargetNotRespondingError(message.format(gem5_simulation.poll(), gem5_out_dir)) else: # Let's re-throw the exception in this case. raise err # This function connects to the gem5 simulation # pylint: disable=too-many-statements def connect_gem5(self, port, gem5_simulation, gem5_interact_dir, gem5_out_dir): """ Connect to the telnet port of the gem5 simulation. We connect, and wait for the prompt to be found. We do not use a timeout for this, and wait for the prompt in a while loop as the gem5 simulation can take many hours to reach a prompt when booting the system. We also inject some newlines periodically to try and force gem5 to show a prompt. Once the prompt has been found, we replace it with a unique prompt to ensure that we are able to match it properly. We also disable the echo as this simplifies parsing the output when executing commands on the device. """ host = socket.gethostname()"Connecting to the gem5 simulation on port {}".format(port)) # Check if there is no on-going connection yet lock_file_name = '{}{}_{}.LOCK'.format(self.lock_directory, host, port) if os.path.isfile(lock_file_name): # There is already a connection to this gem5 simulation raise TargetStableError('There is already a connection to the gem5 ' 'simulation using port {} on {}!' .format(port, host)) # Connect to the gem5 telnet port. Use a short timeout here. attempts = 0 while attempts < 10: attempts += 1 try: self.conn = TelnetPxssh(original_prompt=None) self.conn.login(host, self.username, port=port, login_timeout=10, auto_prompt_reset=False) break except pxssh.ExceptionPxssh: pass except EOF as err: self._gem5_EOF_handler(gem5_simulation, gem5_out_dir, err) else: gem5_simulation.kill() raise TargetNotRespondingError("Failed to connect to the gem5 telnet session.")"Connected! Waiting for prompt...") # Create the lock file self.lock_file_name = lock_file_name open(self.lock_file_name, 'w').close() # Similar to touch"Created lock file {} to prevent reconnecting to " "same simulation".format(self.lock_file_name)) # We need to find the prompt. It might be different if we are resuming # from a checkpoint. Therefore, we test multiple options here. prompt_found = False while not prompt_found: try: self._login_to_device() except TIMEOUT: pass except EOF as err: self._gem5_EOF_handler(gem5_simulation, gem5_out_dir, err) try: # Try and force a prompt to be shown self.conn.send('\n') self.conn.expect([r'# ', r'\$ ', self.conn.UNIQUE_PROMPT, r'\[PEXPECT\][\\\$\#]+ '], timeout=60) prompt_found = True except TIMEOUT: pass except EOF as err: self._gem5_EOF_handler(gem5_simulation, gem5_out_dir, err)"Successfully logged in")"Setting unique prompt...") self.conn.set_unique_prompt() self.conn.prompt()"Prompt found and replaced with a unique string") # We check that the prompt is what we think it should be. If not, we # need to update the regex we use to match. self._find_prompt() self.conn.setecho(False) self._sync_gem5_shell() # Fully connected to gem5 simulation self.gem5_interact_dir = gem5_interact_dir self.gem5_out_dir = gem5_out_dir self.gem5simulation = gem5_simulation # Ready for interaction now self.ready = True def _login_to_device(self): """ Login to device, will be overwritten if there is an actual login """ pass def _find_prompt(self): prompt = r'\[PEXPECT\][\\\$\#]+ ' synced = False while not synced: self.conn.send('\n') i = self.conn.expect([prompt, self.conn.UNIQUE_PROMPT, r'[\$\#] '], timeout=self.default_timeout) if i == 0: synced = True elif i == 1: prompt = self.conn.UNIQUE_PROMPT synced = True else: prompt = re.sub(r'\$', r'\\\$', self.conn.before.strip() + self.conn.after.strip()) prompt = re.sub(r'\#', r'\\\#', prompt) prompt = re.sub(r'\[', r'\[', prompt) prompt = re.sub(r'\]', r'\]', prompt) self.conn.PROMPT = prompt def _sync_gem5_shell(self): """ Synchronise with the gem5 shell. Write some unique text to the gem5 device to allow us to synchronise with the shell output. We actually get two prompts so we need to match both of these. """ gem5_logger.debug("Sending Sync") self.conn.send("echo \*\*sync\*\*\n") self.conn.expect(r"\*\*sync\*\*", timeout=self.default_timeout) self.conn.expect([self.conn.UNIQUE_PROMPT, self.conn.PROMPT], timeout=self.default_timeout) self.conn.expect([self.conn.UNIQUE_PROMPT, self.conn.PROMPT], timeout=self.default_timeout) def _gem5_util(self, command): """ Execute a gem5 utility command using the m5 binary on the device """ if self.m5_path is None: raise TargetStableError('Path to m5 binary on simulated system is not set!') self._gem5_shell('{} {}'.format(self.m5_path, command)) def _gem5_shell(self, command, as_root=False, timeout=None, check_exit_code=True, sync=True): # pylint: disable=R0912 """ Execute a command in the gem5 shell This wraps the telnet connection to gem5 and processes the raw output. This method waits for the shell to return, and then will try and separate the output from the command from the command itself. If this fails, warn, but continue with the potentially wrong output. The exit code is also checked by default, and non-zero exit codes will raise a TargetStableError. """ if sync: self._sync_gem5_shell() gem5_logger.debug("gem5_shell command: {}".format(command)) if as_root: command = 'echo {} | su'.format(quote(command)) # Send the actual command self.conn.send("{}\n".format(command)) # Wait for the response. We just sit here and wait for the prompt to # appear, as gem5 might take a long time to provide the output. This # avoids timeout issues. command_index = -1 while command_index == -1: if self.conn.prompt(): output = re.sub(r' \r([^\n])', r'\1', self.conn.before) output = re.sub(r'[\b]', r'', output) # Deal with line wrapping output = re.sub(r'[\r].+?<', r'', output) command_index = output.find(command) # If we have -1, then we cannot match the command, but the # prompt has returned. Hence, we have a bit of an issue. We # warn, and return the whole output. if command_index == -1: gem5_logger.warning("gem5_shell: Unable to match command in " "command output. Expect parsing errors!") command_index = 0 output = output[command_index + len(command):].strip() # If the gem5 system echoes the executed command, we need to remove that too! if self.strip_echoed_commands: command_index = output.find(command) if command_index != -1: output = output[command_index + len(command):].strip() gem5_logger.debug("gem5_shell output: {}".format(output)) # We get a second prompt. Hence, we need to eat one to make sure that we # stay in sync. If we do not do this, we risk getting out of sync for # slower simulations. self.conn.expect([self.conn.UNIQUE_PROMPT, self.conn.PROMPT], timeout=self.default_timeout) if check_exit_code: exit_code_text = self._gem5_shell('echo $?', as_root=as_root, timeout=timeout, check_exit_code=False, sync=False) try: exit_code = int(exit_code_text.split()[0]) if exit_code: message = 'Got exit code {}\nfrom: {}\nOUTPUT: {}' raise TargetStableError(message.format(exit_code, command, output)) except (ValueError, IndexError): gem5_logger.warning('Could not get exit code for "{}",\ngot: "{}"'.format(command, exit_code_text)) return output def _mount_virtio(self): """ Mount the VirtIO device in the simulated system. """"Mounting VirtIO device in simulated system") self._gem5_shell('mkdir -p {}'.format(self.gem5_input_dir), as_root=True) mount_command = "mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L,aname={} gem5 {}".format(self.gem5_interact_dir, self.gem5_input_dir) self._gem5_shell(mount_command, as_root=True) def _unmount_virtio(self): """ Unmount the VirtIO device in the simulated system. """"Unmounting VirtIO device in simulated system") unmount_command = "umount {}".format(self.gem5_input_dir) self._gem5_shell(unmount_command, as_root=True) def take_checkpoint(self): """ Take a checkpoint of the simulated system. In order to take a checkpoint we first unmount the virtio device, take then checkpoint, and then remount the device to allow us to continue the current run. This needs to be done to ensure that future gem5 simulations are able to utilise the virtio device (i.e., we need to drop the current state information that the device has). """ self._unmount_virtio() self._gem5_util("checkpoint") self._mount_virtio() def _move_to_temp_dir(self, source): """ Move a file to the temporary directory on the host for copying to the gem5 device """ command = "cp {} {}".format(source, self.gem5_interact_dir) gem5_logger.debug("Local copy command: {}".format(command))"sync".split()) def _check_ready(self): """ Check if the gem5 platform is ready """ if not self.ready: raise TargetTransientError('Gem5 is not ready to interact yet') def _wait_for_boot(self): pass def _probe_file(self, filepath): """ Internal method to check if the target has a certain file """ filepath = quote(filepath) command = 'if [ -e {} ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi' output = self.execute(command.format(filepath), as_root=self.is_rooted) return boolean(output.strip())
[docs]class LinuxGem5Connection(Gem5Connection):
[docs] def _login_to_device(self):"Trying to log in to gem5 device") login_prompt = ['login:', 'AEL login:', 'username:', 'aarch64-gem5 login:'] login_password_prompt = ['password:'] # Wait for the login prompt prompt = login_prompt + [self.conn.UNIQUE_PROMPT] i = self.conn.expect(prompt, timeout=10) # Check if we are already at a prompt, or if we need to log in. if i < len(prompt) - 1: self.conn.sendline("{}".format(self.username)) password_prompt = login_password_prompt + [r'# ', self.conn.UNIQUE_PROMPT] j = self.conn.expect(password_prompt, timeout=self.default_timeout) if j < len(password_prompt) - 2: self.conn.sendline("{}".format(self.password)) self.conn.expect([r'# ', self.conn.UNIQUE_PROMPT], timeout=self.default_timeout)
[docs]class AndroidGem5Connection(Gem5Connection):
[docs] def _wait_for_boot(self): """ Wait for the system to boot We monitor the sys.boot_completed and service.bootanim.exit system properties to determine when the system has finished booting. In the event that we cannot coerce the result of service.bootanim.exit to an integer, we assume that the boot animation was disabled and do not wait for it to finish. """"Waiting for Android to boot...") while True: booted = False anim_finished = True # Assume boot animation was disabled on except try: booted = (int('0' + self._gem5_shell('getprop sys.boot_completed', check_exit_code=False).strip()) == 1) anim_finished = (int(self._gem5_shell('getprop service.bootanim.exit', check_exit_code=False).strip()) == 1) except ValueError: pass if booted and anim_finished: break time.sleep(60)"Android booted")
def _give_password(password, command): if not sshpass: raise HostError('Must have sshpass installed on the host in order to use password-based auth.') pass_template = "sshpass -p {} " pass_string = pass_template.format(quote(password)) redacted_string = pass_template.format(quote('<redacted>')) return (pass_string + command, redacted_string + command) def _check_env(): global ssh, scp, sshpass # pylint: disable=global-statement if not ssh: ssh = which('ssh') scp = which('scp') sshpass = which('sshpass') if not (ssh and scp): raise HostError('OpenSSH must be installed on the host.') def process_backspaces(text): chars = [] for c in text: if c == chr(8) and chars: # backspace chars.pop() else: chars.append(c) return ''.join(chars)